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Chapter 12 Regulations Regarding Foreign Students Class Attendance

Foreign students must promptly participate in all activities organized and/or stipulated through various training programs by the school. Students should engage activity and abide by all regulations and rules when attending these events. The head class advisor and other administrative teaching staff are responsible for matters regarding students’ attendance. Teachers should take attendance records on a regular basis and report the students’ attendance every two weeks to the class head or other administrative staff. If it is discovered that a certain student often misses class without reason, the matter should be reported immediately.

Foreign students should attend class on time and never skip or leave class early. Unless illness, one should follow the below procedures to apply for a short term leave of absence. Otherwise the student will be penalized for truancy for the missed classes.

1. For absences of a day or less, approval can be given by the class head advisor or classroom teacher; for absences of one day to one week, you must submit a written application to the Foreign Students Affairs Office for approval. The decision will be made by the administrative heads at the office whether or not the leave of absence may be granted. For absences longer than one week, the decision for approval will be made by the heads of the department and the head of International College. Once the absence period ends, the student should promptly go to the Foreign Students Affairs Office to register for return to classes. If the absence period ends and it is still not possible to return to class, then another application for continued leave of absence must be made. Otherwise the student will be penalized for truancy. Leave of absences cannot exceed three weeks.

2. If a student takes leave of absence because of illness, they must show the related documentation of proof from an affiliated hospital.

3. You must attend all the classes that you have registered for. If you miss classes without being granted leave of absence, you will be penalized for truancy. Missing more than 30 class hours will receive a warning and possible punishment in more serious cases. Students missing more than 50 class hours per semester without permission or being absent from school for two weeks or longer without participating in any of the school organized educational events will be deemed to be discontinuing their studies, and will personally receive a written reprimand for their actions.

4.Be late for the class or leave early every three times will be taken as one time for ask for leaving, and three times of ask for leaving will be taken as one time truancy.

5. Foreign students enjoy the same public holidays and school vacation periods as anyone else. Our school will not grant special holidays for foreign students attending important festivals or holidays of their home country.

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